This week had the potential to rectify some of the horrific decisions the UK government has made thus far regarding sustainably, but yet again Boris Johnson and his criminal gang of MP’s have disregarded the voice of the people in this so called ‘democracy’.
On Monday night MP’s voted against the agriculture bill which means they can now legally import low standard food to stock our shelves. This will prove to be incredibly damaging to farmers of British produce as their prices will now be undercut, which as you can imagine has caused serious outrage. This move will mean we are importing meat from American farms where animal welfare does not meet our legal standards, consequently enabling masses of animals to suffer for our consumerism. The bill will also affect public health due to the large amount of chemicals pumped into these animals, which we will begin to consume. In the month where Boris Johnson criticised the British public for being unhealthy and ‘fat’, it seems a hypocritical move if he planned to rectify that issue. Although the government has given repeated assurances that chlorinated chicken and hormone-injected beef would not be imported to the UK under any trade deals, why would we ever be stupid enough to believe them? Why would you make importing low standard food legal, if you didn’t plan on utilising the legality? This government has lied countless times and this is another one of those lies, don’t be fooled. Yet this was just Monday…
On Tuesday the government rejected a series of amendments to the fisheries bill which would have helped stop over fishing in UK waters, as well as the use of super trawlers in marine protected areas. Supertrawlers are huge fishing vessels that can scoop up 250 tonnes of fish in a single day, yet it’s okay to use them in ‘marine protected’ areas… What’s the point in having marine protected areas when the government allows mass destruction to the environment and its biodiversity in those areas? I presume just to fool people who don’t do their research into thinking BJ and his corrupt party are doing a good job.
Leading the UK into a more sustainable future is a legal commitment the government has made, we have signed treaties pledging our efforts to this cause, so why do we continue to take steps backwards? My only presumptions can be that the government have no problem with breaking international law, as we’ve already seen them do it and they have no real commitment to a sustainable future whilst they see a quick bit of cash to be made. In case you were confused by where the government’s loyalties lie, i’ll just clarify now, they don’t care about biodiversity, they don’t care about sustainability, they don’t care about our planet and they don’t care about you.
Jack Newcombe